Coach Responsibilities

The Coach has a key role in developing the whole person by ensuring that playing rugby at Pirates is an enjoyable and rewarding experience for the player. They will take every opportunity to talk to and listen to the players when balancing the needs of the individual and the team. The Coach must never lose sight of the importance of leadership in establishing and achieving the team goals.

The coach must abide by the Club Code of Conduct at all times when representing the club.

The objectives of our coaches are:

  1. To understand the Pirates mission statement and demonstrate these values in the way they conduct themselves and coach their team.

  2. Invest in the development of club players by regularly watching the grade below.

  3. To maintain and build the team and therefore club player base by recruiting suitable players from outside the club for their team.

  4. To ensure that all players who have registered and paid their fees have the opportunity to play a game.

  5. To provide regular feedback to players, especially when a player has been dropped to a lower grade.

  6. To take responsibility for their own education and qualifications, by ensuring that their Smart Rugby profile is up to date and commencing study towards either a level 1 or 2 coaching qualification (if applicable)

The Coach is responsible for:

  1. Structured and planned training sessions.

  2. Preparation of the players for playing rugby.

  3. Development and structure of the team game plan.

  4. Communicating the game plan to the players.

  5. Developing each players potential.

  6. Encouraging excellence in execution.

  7. Providing positive feedback and post game analysis to the players.

  8. Player recruitment and retention.

  9. Adherence to player selection guidelines.

  10. Communication with players when moved between teams. (both up and down)

  11. Building and maintaining team morale.

  12. Succession planning and execution between seasons.  

Manager Responsibilities

The Manager is the Coaches assistant in all things related to team administration and logistics. They support the Coach in achieving the team goals, and also support the club in achieving its goals requiring player participation.

The Manager is responsible for:


1.      Abide by the Club Code of Conduct at all times when representing the club.

2.      Organising necessary team support to ensure the smooth running of the team.

3.      Support the coach in matters relating to a player’s welfare. This includes the recording and processing of serious injuries.

1.      Serious Injury  Rugby Australia Serious Incident Management Protocol and Action Plan

2.      Concussion Rugby Australia Concussion Management checklist – Club/Team Manager

4.      Understanding and assisting players with completing the club player registration & fee payment processes.

5.      Communicate club news and information especially responsibilities to attend up-coming functions.

6.      Ensure the team performs any scheduled home game volunteer duties. i.e. raffles, BBQ’s, canteen, etc.

7.      Active participation in team or club management meetings.

8.      Assisting the Registrar or Rugby Manager in specific matters relating to player registration and insurance.

9.      Compiling and submitting team lists for team management, competition management and social media.

10.   Assisting with the security of team equipment and/or club equipment. (jerseys, balls, water bottles, hit shields, cones etc).

11.   Awareness of competition rules and supporting the coach to operate within them.



1.      Advising coaches if any players are known to be unavailable for training or game.

2.      Ensuring players are aware of game day time and location.

3.      Ensuring equipment requirements are available and ready, inc jerseys, balls, water bottles, hit shields, marker ​cones, etc

4.      Organise the following volunteers for the team’s game(s):

1.      HOME

1.      2 x Assistant Referees / Touchline Assistants

2.      Ground Marshal

3.      Game Scorer via MatchDay Rugby Xplorer

2.      AWAY

1.      Ground Marshal

2.      Game Scorer via MatchDay Rugby Xplorer

5.      Submitting team list via MatchDay Rugby Xplorer for competition management.



1.      Collect all team jerseys from players and wash them ready for next game or assign to a volunteer.

2.      For seriously injured player following to ensure safe transportation to further treatment and\or home.

3.      Maintaining contact with any injured player and ensuring that injured players receive the appropriate treatment including Concussion protocols and referral form completion.

4.      Make contact with opposition team if they suffered a serious injury to check on welfare of their player and advise team of status.

5.      Make contact with all injured players in the following week to confirm status and advise coach of serious injuries.

6.      Recording and collating team Best & Fairest points and communicating them to the designated Club contact.


Player Responsibilities

Operate within the Player Code of Conduct below:

  1. Abide by the Club Code of Conduct at all times when representing the club.

  2. Follow club registration and club fee payment guidelines.

  3. Attend nominated training sessions, games or club activities.

  4. Ensure that they are prepared for and ready to commence training sessions on time.

  5. If not able to attend training or will be late for training then notify the respective Team Manager or Coach or teammate.

  6. In the event of unavailability on game day notify respective Team Manager or Coach.

  7. Arrive on game day at the time advised by your Coaches and Managers.

  8. To support your club mates in other grades.

  9. Perform rostered team club duties i.e. BBQ,  gear storage, raffles, canteen etc

  10. When injured advise Team Manager or Coach to establish a suitable rehabilitation program.